JUMPinar: Basics of Refinancing a Rehab Project

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Name: JUMPinar: Basics of Refinancing a Rehab Project
Date: January 8, 2025
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST
Event Description:

Join BIA Member JUMPStart Philly and Sam "The Money Man" Shelanski for an overview of refinancing a rehab project, including maximizing your investment returns, navigating loan options, and how the loan process works. Sam will guide attendees through strategies to secure favorable terms and avoid common pitfalls. Whether you are new to real estate or looking to refine your skills, this JUMPinar will provide real insights on how to simplify the refinancing process. RSVP today!

Click here to register [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeuxaXrgzWIGcfBPfmEcTuFlw_KuJvXAt2bUwW27EBCRp38Mw/viewform].
JUMPStart Germantown
4701 Germantown Ave., 1st Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19144

Date/Time Information:
Wednesday, January 8
7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Doors open at 6:30 pm
FREE, but registration is required.

Printed courtesy of www.biaofphiladelphia.com/ – Contact the BIA of Philadelphia for more information.
1735 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103 – (215) 242-7445 – biamail@biaofphiladelphia.com